Justice. // What’s Love Got to Do With It?

I’ve been thinking A LOT on the subject of justice over the last few months. For me personally, a lot of my reflection stems from the radical differences in the culture I am now facing being back in the United States this year. Seeing and witnessing poverty and social injustices unfortunately seem to be part of an every day occurrence in the kind of life myself and my husband are pursuing in Rwanda. Now, recently here in the States it has become a RADICAL hot topic in the media. I have never been one to swallow everything I hear in the news or even being spoken about by popular leaders, so I decided to do a little study on what God’s Word reveals to me about the topic of justice. The awesome thing about reading the Word of God is that the Holy Spirit can speak through it to minister to us as individuals what part of its message we need to hear right now. I decided to share my study through the verses below. Some of them may appear more relevant or meaningful to you than others, but my hope is that by reading this study, throughout you will find a streamline of truth and peace in the midst of our world’s unstable and always shifting ‘bar of justice’. I challenge you to read all the way to the end.

God’s justice vs. His mercy.

‘And the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the people that when they arrive in the land, Cities of Refuge shall be designated for anyone to flee into if he has killed someone accidentally. These Cities shall be places of protection from the dead man’s relatives who want to avenge his death; for the slayer must not be killed unless a fair trial establishes his guilt. 

            But if someone is struck and killed by a piece of iron, it must be presumed to be murder, and the murderer must be executed….so if anyone kills another out of hatred by throwing something at him, or ambushing him, or angrily striking him with his fist so that he dies, he is a murderer; and the murderer shall be executed by the avenger. 

            But if it is an accident—a case in which something is thrown unintentionally, and without wanting to harm an enemy—yet the man dies, then the people shall judge whether or not it was an accident…If it is decided that it was accidental, then the people shall save the killer from the avenger; and the killer shall be permitted to stay in the City of Refuge.

            All murderers must be executed, but only if there is more than one witness; no man shall die with only one person testifying against him….In this way the land will not be polluted, for murder pollutes the land. You shall not defile the land where you are going to live, for I, Jehovah will be living there.’ – Numbers 35:11-34

Justice comes from appointing wise officials.

‘Appoint judges and administrative officials for all the cities the Lord your God is giving you. They will administer justice in every part of the land. Never twist justice to benefit a rich man, and never accept bribes. For bribes blind the eyes of the wisest and corrupt their decisions. Justice must prevail. That is the only way you will be successful in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.’ – Deuteronomy 16:18-20

Don’t take advantage of others when seeking justice for yourself.

‘If the man is poor and gives you his cloak as security, you are not to sleep in it. Take it back to him at sundown so that he can use it through the night and bless you; and the Lord your God will count it as righteousness for you.’ – Deuteronomy 24:12-13

David was a King characterized by justice.

‘David reigned with justice over Israel and was fair to everyone.’ – 2 Samuel 8:15

King Jeroboam II abused his authority.

‘The rest of Jeroboam’s biography—all that he did, and his great power, and his wars, and how he recovered Damascus and Hamath is recorded in The Annals of the Kings of Israel.’ – 2 Kings 14:28

Jeroboam had no devotion to God, yet under his warlike policies and skillful administration, Israel enjoyed more national power and material prosperity than at any time since the days of Solomon. But Jeroboam’s administration ignored policies of justice and fairness. As a result, the rich became richer and the poor, poorer. The people became self-centered, relying more on their power, security, and possessions than on God. The poor were so oppressed that it was hard for them to believe that God noticed their plight. Material prosperity is not always an indication of God’s blessing. It can also be a result of self-centeredness. God holds us accountable for how we attain success and how we use our wealth. 

Justice is often abused.

‘Justice? You high and mighty politicians don’t even know the meaning of the word! Fairness? Which of you has any left? Not one! All your dealings are crooked: You give “justice” in exchange for bribes.’ – Psalm 58:1

In times of great suffering, don’t turn inward to self-pity or outward to revenge, but upward to God.

Justice will ultimately win over evil.

Read Isaiah 3:10-11

Eventually the faithful will receive God’s reward and the wicked will receive his punishment. It is disheartening to see the wicked prospering while we seem defeated as we follow God’s plan. Yet we must hold on and take heart! God will bring about justice in the end, and we will receive his reward if we have been faithful.

‘Wherever I look there is oppression and bribery and men who love to argue and to fight. The law is not enforced and there is no justice given in the courts, for the wicked far outnumber the righteous, and bribes and trickery prevail.’ – Habakkuk 1:3

Habakkuk was saddened by the corruption he saw around him. In response, he poured out his heart to God. Today, injustice is still rampant, but don’t let your concern cause you to doubt God or rebel against him. Instead consider the message God gave Habakkuk and recognize God’s long-range plans and purposes. Evil is self-destructive, and it is never beyond God’s control. Instead of questioning the ways of God, we should realize that he is totally just, and we should have faith that he is in control and that one-day evil will be utterly destroyed.

‘Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day! Note this: wicked men trust themselves alone, and fail; but the righteous man trusts in me, and lives!’

Habakkuk saw a dying world and it broke his heart. Why is there evil in the world? Why do the wicked seem to be winning? He boldly and confidently took his complaints directly to God. And God answered him with an avalanche of proof and prediction. 

Habakkuk declares that he will wait to hear God’s answers to his complaints. Then God begins to speak, telling him to write his answer in large letters so that all will see and understand. It may seem, God says, as though the wicked triumph, but eventually they will be judged, and righteousness will prevail. It may not come quickly, but it will happen. 

With questions answered and a new understanding of God’s power and love, Habakkuk rejoices in who God is and in what he will do. We don’t have to be afraid to ask questions of God. The problem is not with God’s ways, but with our limited understanding of him. 

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will be happy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my Strength, and he will give me the feet of a deer and bring me safely over the mountains.’– Habakkuk 3:19

At the proper time God will bring about his justice and completely rid the world of evil. In the meantime, God’s people need to live in the strength of his Spirit, confident in his ultimate victory over evil.

Habakkuk had asked God why evil people prosper while the righteous suffer. God’s answer: they don’t, not in the long run. Habakkuk saw his own limitations in contrast to God’s unlimited control of all the world’s events. God is alive and in control of the world and its events. We cannot see all that God is doing, and we cannot see all that God will do. But we can be assured that he is God and will do what is right. Knowing this brings us confidence and hope in the midst of a confusing world.

Why is justice so important to God?

Read Isaiah 3:14

Justice is part of God’s nature; it is the way he runs the universe. Even as sinners we all want justice for ourselves. When government and church leaders are unjust, the poor and powerless suffer. God holds the poor in high regard. They are the ones most likely to turn to him for help and comfort. Injustice, then, attacks God’s children. Because we follow a just God, we must uphold justice.

God’s love vs. His justice.

‘For Moses gave us only the Law with its rigid demands and merciless justice, while Jesus Christ brought us loving forgiveness as well.’ – John 1:17

Love and justice are both aspects of God’s nature that he uses in dealing with us. Moses emphasized God’s Law and justice, while Jesus Christ came to highlight God’s mercy, love, and forgiveness. Moses could only be the vehicle of the Law, while Jesus Christ came to satisfy it. 

Some Old Testament (Law) scriptures that reveal Gods heart of mercy in justice:

Leviticus 19:18

Proverbs 24:28, 29

Proverbs 25:21-22

Lamentations 3:30,31

What God designed for a system of justice with mercy had been distorted over the years into a license for revenge. It was this misapplication of the law that Jesus confronted.

Jesus new approach to injustice:

But I say: Don’t resist violence! If you are slapped on one cheek, turn the other too. If you are ordered to court, and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat too. If the military demand that you carry their gear for a mile, carry it two. Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow.’

‘There is a saying, ‘Love your friends and hate your enemies.’ But I say: Love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way you will be acting as true soms of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust too. If you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even scoundrels do that much. If you are friendly only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even the heathen do that. But you are perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.’ – Matthew 5:38-44

Pilate not concerned for justice:

‘Meanwhile the chief priests and Jewish officials persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas’ release, and for Jesus’ death. So when the governor asked again, “Which of these two shall I release to you?” the crowd shouted back their reply: “Barabbas!” – Matthew 27:20

For a leader who was supposed to administer justice, Pilate proved to be concerned more about political expediency than about doing what was right. He had several opportunities to make the right decision. His conscience told him Jesus was innocent; Roman law said an innocent man should not be put to death. Pilate had no good excuse to condemn Jesus, but he was afraid of the mob. 

Crowds are fickle. If they loved Jesus on Sunday because they thought he was going to inaugurate his Kingdom, they could easily hate him on Friday when his power appeared broken. In the face of the mass uprising against Jesus, his friends were afraid to speak up.

View of God’s justice:

God himself is the standard of justice. Although he has the power to do whatever he wants, he uses his power according to his own moral perfection. Thus, whatever he does is fair, even if we don’t understand it. Our response is to appeal directly to him. 

What the book of Psalm says about justice:

Justice is a major theme in the book of Psalms. The psalmists praise God because he is just; they plead for him to intervene and bring justice where there is oppression and wickedness; they condemn the wicked who trust in their wealth; they extol the righteous who are just toward their neighbors. 

Justice in Psalms is more than honesty. It is active intervention on behalf of the helpless, especially the poor. The psalmists do not merely wish the poor could be given what they need, but they plead with God to destroy those nations that are subverting justice and oppressing God’s people. 

What do you think about injustice?

Some good questions to ask yourself, “Who is my neighbor? Does my lifestyle—my work, my play, my buying habits, my giving—help or hurt people who have less than I do? What one thing could I do this week to help a helpless person?

A Vision for our Children

Reynaud_MyMountainThe recent history of Rwanda since the genocide 25 years ago, simultaneously represents the worst and best of humanity.

This nation not only humbles me, but challenges and inspires me.

I don’t pretend to understand the full complexity of the history or her current journey, but when you want to really experience Rwanda and her story, I feel there is something very necessary about connecting with a living, breathing, healing, survivor’s story.FTAD4088IMG_8431Even as the genocide of 1994 may have now been pushed into the history books as the world experiences further tragedies and time heals, I believe there are timeless and important lessons in Rwanda’s story for all of us, if we listen. Reconciliation may not be fully complete, underlying fear and hurt may remain and the effects of the genocide are still very much being felt today. Despite this, I am sure of one thing; darkness never triumphs over light.IMG_8429Testimony

Below, you will read a glimpse of my husband, Alexis’ story. He is the visionary behind our ministry here in Rwanda. Sold out for Jesus, he is my fearless leader, coach, and the pioneer that makes our dreams come true.

For Alexis life has not come easy, yet his story with all of its set-backs, has built in him a resolve and a commitment to see change in East Africa, and a tenacity to prove that there is always hope for a bright future.IMG_8434In 1994 there was genocide against the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda. During this time Alexis lost most of his family members, leaving him orphaned at the age of 13. He himself survived at the mercy of one woman who kept him hidden in her home. The aftermath of these events was obviously devastating and was a turning point in his life. At the time, the loss, trauma and grief, affected Alexis to the point of drugging himself in order to sleep. Only under the influence of drugs could he sleep, but once sober again the difficult memories would always return. By the grace of God, he was found by a ‘Good Samaritan’, who took him from the street and returned him to school. His life and future was changed by the kindness of God through one person who stopped to take time for him. Since then, Alexis has given his life to the ministry of Jesus and wishes to see many nations being changed by the healing power of God through love, true Biblical teaching, strategic prayer and disciple-making of all ages.

When our children can understand the tangible love of Jesus, this revelation will lead them from a life of oppression, to a life filled with hope and change.– Pastor Alexis HakizimanaIMG_4172A Vision for Our Children

Our dream is for orphaned children who have experienced similar hardships and trauma to come into the healing reality of family. We also believe this reflects God’s heart for those who were once far off, to be healed through receiving a Spirit of adoption found in the person of Jesus. For these orphaned children, Jesus looks like someone who will stop, see, and offer open arms of safety.

‘When you create an atmosphere of vulnerability and trust, it’s powerful. Children can share, forgive, and feel safe enough to grow for the first time.’ – Kaysha Dawn

We believe in healing for the mind, body, soul and spirit. Our mission is to give our children individualized spiritual care as well as meeting their physical needs that will provide a self-sustaining future when they would otherwise be facing many challenges. This kind of healing will impact not only one life, but also future generations to come.

The stories of Rwandan survivors can become a testimony around the world for issues of peace and reconciliation. Because the people have gone through terrible things– they can teach nations.’ – Josephine MunyeliNTAWE8614Making a House a Home

When Alexis and I met we toured a home for boys outside of Kigali. We walked the premises in quiet expectation knowing that our hearts were saying the same thing. ‘One day we will build a home like this.’IMG_4148IMG_4175Fast forward to January 2019 on one of our casual evening walks, we found an abandoned residence on a beautiful property overlooking the valley. We both lit up and our spirits danced with the thought of our dream coming alive, ‘Maybe this house is it?!’IMG_8425IMG_8405A phone call was made. We found the owner was, herself, a survivor of genocide living in Belgium. She had inherited the house at a young age upon her father’s death after the war. The house was left unfinished and uninhabited since that time.IMG_8433IMG_8973This war-torn house is five minutes walking distance from our apartment and we have agreed with the landlord for renovation to use it as the Kigali Children Center! It has a solid structure and foundation and we are excited to make something beautiful out of the brokenness of the past.

Here, we plan to create a nurturing environment for vulnerable children to:

1.    Receive love and physical care
2.    Receive support and trauma specific counseling
3.    Learn empathy for others
4.    Learn responsibility
5.    Receive formal education and vocational trainingIMG_6093IMG_4261IMG_8405Would you join us in supporting this life giving home in Rwanda?

To help create this center for children, please click here to visit our support raising website or contact us directly if you are more comfortable to find out more about our tax deductible giving option. We love sharing the passion of our hearts and would enjoy the chance to talk with you more.

To see more about what we are doing in Rwanda, visit Into Faith We Go.

With love,

Alexis & Kaysha

Oh the possibilities, when God gives you a promise

…and a dream.

 What if this house was a home?

 …a safe place for children and broken families to find refuge?

What if we could love them back to life?

– whispers Jesus

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Celebrate Rwanda // Kigali

Traveling to Rwanda today. A dream fulfilled that’s been stored away in my heart 5+ years– where my passion for Africa began for this nation and its story of redemption!IMG_4031IMG_4046When I was invited to Kigali, Rwanda in January, it came as a complete surprise. I didn’t exactly know why I was going this time. I mean I knew the ‘mission’ but I wasn’t sure what my place was or how I would fit– except that I should go, and that God would show me as I went.

If you knew me five years ago, this concept of following his plan would have been completely foreign to me. I would have known exactly why I was going. 🙂 But Jesus has been teaching me that mission with Him looks different than the world’s way. He wrecks my plans so He can use me in His.IMG_4072IMG_4054As I arrived at the airport in Kigali, I was welcomed by Pastor Alexis and a few of his team members as well as Thomas and Erin, who I know from South Africa.

Pastor Alexis is the visionary for this ministry in Kigali, and we are the support team behind his vision to start a discipleship training school for current pastors as well as young evangelists. The school will help them to grow in identity in Christ, and the experience of walking with Him in faith, hearing His voice, knowing His grace, and the confidence to share the truth with others!IMG_4165 (1)


Thomas and Erin enjoying our favorite lunch of rice and beans, side of green veg and portion of meat.


The second morning after I arrived, I found this amazing jack fruit in the market! So sweet and juicy! Who knew fruit could grow so big? hmm.


We walked everywhere we went. From the place where we stayed, to the building we used for a classroom, we crossed this intersection almost every day.


Erin carrying everything with us, including this faithful black sound speaker.

The first class went very well! I am very proud of Thomas and Erin as they work with Alexis who is doing an amazing job of pioneering a new concept of how to build a unified church in his home country, and send out equipped messengers. They have a solid team to begin the school with energy as well as intention. I learned so much by watching them.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. – Matt. 5:6

The students of all ages poured into the classroom, eager and ready to learn. They could care less what the classroom looks like, we have no fancy projector screen presentation or printed books. We have no band, one proper light fixture…(and after much deliberation)..no coffee and tea. But we have a hunger and thirst for Jesus that cannot be quenched. This fire is fueled by love for the King.IMG_4067IMG_4068SJWP5345


Sharing testimony of who Jesus is in my life. Everyone has personal story of who He is and a life message that no one else can tell but you. This is the simple gospel.

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My friend Antoinette from class. We had an immediate connection.

I was completely moved by the kindness of Rwandan people. Their genuine hearts reflect true redemption from a history of pain and injustices. This kind of forgiveness I cannot begin to understand with my human heart. This kind of redemption and love can only come down from the pure heart of a gracious Father in heaven.

Blessed are the pure in heart- for they will see God. – Matthew 5:8

Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we’re a free people—free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free! IMG_4113


Buying sugar in the wholesale market for the school. Do you think 25kg is enough? Funny story. Erin and me carrying all these things through a torrential downpour of rain while trying to catch a bus. :/ Thank you God for the rain. haha.

Our Heavenly Father thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making. He set it all out before us in Christ, a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth.

It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. – Ephesians. 1


Me with my moto taxi driver…who got lost…And of course only speaks French.

IMG_4199One day I took a motor taxi to another village to visit a ministry called Hope for Life, a place called home for local street boys.

Hope for Life’s mission is to serve impoverished ​youth through home care, providing stability in their lives and empowering them with resources and education needed to obtain a flourishing future for themselves and their community.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. – Matthew 5:7

This precious one took my hand and gave me a tour through his home. IMG_4168IMG_4175Most adults living in Rwanda carry the memories of the genocide time, while the youth are still living with the impact, many growing up with one parent—some without two.

A conversation I had with one young adult, while showing him a photo my dad had sent me, he said, ‘You have a dad?’…’AND a mom?’

This guy is the most gentle soul. Instead of being angry at God growing up without a father and mother, he rejoices in God that he is alive and has work, a young wife and son. God is good. It is a privilege to know this young man’s story.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. – Matthew 5:4IMG_4166IMG_4179IMG_4172“How many beans do you think are there?” “1000.”

“Do you know how much God loves you?…   ….Much much more than ALL of these beans! Too much for you to count!”

How precious is your steadfast love, O God!
    The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. – Ps. 36:7IMG_4185IMG_4187IMG_4189I celebrate this day. I celebrate that these boys have a home and that their future is changed for the better. I celebrate Rwanda and the beauty of redemption for this nation. For when the world has seen the Light, they will dance with joy like I’m dancing now!

You are the Light of the world! For at one time you were darkness, but now you have the very light of Jesus shining through you because of your union with him. Your mission is to live as children flooded with his revelation-light!

For we are children of Light, we carry hope wherever we go!IMG_4081


At a local milk shop, you can fill any container to take home with you! One of our favorite evening treats. 🙂

Frame-19-02-2018-01-35-02Later in the evening we stopped by a boys soccer game to meet the boys and connect with them. After soccer practice we were able to join in for music and dancing. The coach has a real heart to empower the youth and grow them up with a solid foundation and bright future. IMG_4212He who created you, He who formed everything in the world, He created you on purpose and with purpose. There are no accidents with Him!

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart! – Jeremiah 1:5

For He chose you to be his very own, even before the creation of the world! He had you in mind as the focus of his love, to be made whole through Jesus so that you would be seen as holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence. img_4219.jpgFrame-19-02-2018-01-40-12Frame-19-02-2018-01-37-20Frame-19-02-2018-01-36-56IMG_4202On my last night in Kigali, as we walked through a nearby village, I reflected on the week I had spent here and the beauty of having so many special experiences with people through His eyes, I was torn to leave. But there is still more for me back in South Africa!

I will seek first, your kingdom and your righteousness. Everything I need, you will provide for me! My heart is to seek first, your kingdom! 

Wherever you are, wherever you find yourself, build His Kingdom of love. Everything else is fading away, only love. Only love remains.

Love can build a bridge of forgiveness and reconciliation that is powerful. This is love to celebrate!IMG_4245IMG_4249IMG_4253IMG_4254IMG_4265

i carry your heart with me, i carry it in

my heart. i am never without it.

anywhere i go, you go, my dear;

and whatever is done by only me is your doing,

my darling.

for I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart.




You Make Me Come Alive! // Kids Club

Wednesday is Kids Club!…spending time with these guys make me come alive! Kids Club is a time to gather all the farm children in the kloof from primary school to teenage youth. It’s time to invest in their hearts that they will come to know what it really means to be a child of God…Adopted. Chosen! Redeemed! That this Papa God is not distant or passive, but active and breathing, singing and rejoicing over each one! Not only that but this Papa has a special plan for each one of our lives!IMG_8919 Here at Kids Club, we play soccer, games, work with our hands on creative art projects, and other fun activities that engage everyone together. Then, towards the end of the evening, we gather in a circle to read a Bible story and pray together. A few of the teenage youth read the story in Afrikaans for the little ones. IMG_2132 The children REALLY look forward to this time every week, as any moment of attention has a huge and lasting impact on their lives. Moments to call them higher, that their dreams are not far off, but that God really sees them and that they are never alone.

Time with them is a gift.IMG_2717My heart bursts for each one, and my prayer and dream is to see real change in this generation, that they will see Gods beauty and love in creation and in each other. That they will be filled with hope for a bright future in South Africa.

In the eyes of a child you will see the world the way it should be.

Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.’

You see, God is like a new daddy — He can’t keep the good news to himself. He is always waiting for THIS moment, this time. This place. This Wednesday night. And now, here, He can tell them. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!


12 Love Letters | Father’s House 7

Love, is a winding road. Older than old.

Love, is a mystery. It’s got a hold on me and I just can’t shake it.Processed with VSCO with c1 presetThrough these 7 weeks I see 12 Love letters from Christ delivered to the world. That the world will know Him. Not written with ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God. Not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of the human heart.IMG_0530Processed with VSCO with a6 presetThe transition into a ‘school co-leading role’ included many firsts for me that were not always easy. Yet here, in my weakness, He is the strongest, and the most magnified and the most glorified! The testimonies that were shared in this school were unbelievable. Our Father God’s redemptive work in the lives of His children never ceases to amaze me.

Such is our reliance on Him- not a confidence that comes from ourselves, but all power and ability and SUFFICIENCY are from God. It is HE who qualifies us- making us fit and worthy and sufficient as ministers and dispensers of this Love message of salvation through Jesus! – II Cor. 3:2-6IMG_0888I am without words to describe the joy..as well as the growth in what we experience these days, therefore I’ll let the photos speak for themselves and highlight a few unique moments during our discipleship school, Father’s House 7.Processed with VSCO with c1 presetProcessed with VSCO with m5 presetProcessed with VSCO with a6 presetP1100767Processed with VSCO with a6 presetProcessed with VSCO with a6 presetProcessed with VSCO with a6 presetIMG_6153DSCN0211IMG_0975DSCN0180During the second week of the school we experienced a forest fire that was quite close to home. The fire started on the neighboring farm because of the drought and after a week of fighting it, the fire was finally extinguished. It wasn’t an easy week for the community, but together we saw the power of unity in prayer and God’s loving protection through it all.

I will not fear for You are with me! // He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in ALL your ways. You will not fear sudden disaster, for it won’t come near your tent. – Ps. 91 IMG_8714DSCN0176IMG_0891DSCN0219Processed with VSCO with a6 presetDuring week four, we traveled on three-day outreach to a township outside of Cape Town called Mannenburg. Over the years this specific area has become overcrowded with high incidences of crime and gang activity emerging. While working with several local ministries, our students joined to offer prayer and encouragement for local kids and families desperately seeking the hope and the love of Jesus in a dark place. God’s presence was tangibly felt with healing and salvation happening all around.IMG_0704Processed with VSCO with a6 presetIMG_0702Processed with VSCO with a6 presetThe last week of FH7 before graduation, our fearless leaders, Johan and Marie had the wild idea of taking our students on a 14hr train trip to a massive prayer gathering in Bloemfontain, located centrally in the Free State province of South Africa. You may have heard about this national gathering for prayer on the news, as 1.7 million South Africans gathered before God to pray for the nation politically, economically, spiritually and relationally in unity as a people. It was a huge privilege to be a part of something so radical and I believe as so many gather with one focus, we will see change and God’s love emerging at the center of a once broken nation.P1100981Processed with VSCOP1110012DSCN0282IMG_1225VCSI2520The gift of being a part of these 12 stories for 7 weeks is a privilege I cannot put into words. To see each student fall in love with Him, to blossom and flourish in family, to be willing to be broken and willing to be healed. To forgive, to cheer each other on, to fight for love- this is the vision. This is why we do what we do. That the world will KNOW Him.

All of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Jesus. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And He gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are His ambassadors; God is making His appeal through us. We speak for Jesus when we cry, ‘Come back to God!’ For God made Jesus, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Him. – II Cor. 5:18-20

Love is a dangerous word to those who fear losing control.

Love is a wild wind and no one knows which way it goes.

Love, it’s a dangerous word.

Following these seven weeks we continue with a two week extended outreach to three locations in the Western Cape. If you are interested in photos from our outreach work, I’ve shared them here: That the World will Know Him.

If you would like to learn more about our discipleship school please visit our website. Applications are now open for October.




That the World will Know Him.

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him.  II Cor. 2:14Processed with VSCO with b5 preset


Witsand // Slangrivier, South Africa



Swellendam // Railton, South Africa

IMG_0667IMG_0681DSCN0364IMG_0689Processed with VSCO with a6 preset


Montague // Ashbury, South Africa

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God the Father sent Jesus in grace to remove shame and distance that we created between us and Him. To draw us unto Himself from being orphaned in sin to being adopted as His own. Not because of anything we have done or deserve, but because of his great expansive Love.

That we might know Him.

If you would like to learn more about our discipleship school please visit our website. Applications are now open for October.




Into the Bush. // Mozambique, Africa

IMG_3094Today was incredible. After driving out to the rural bush village of Impiri, and camping overnight, I woke to Mozambicans singing and thanking God for the day ahead.  The whole morning was spent in worship, prayer and dancing with the village mamas and children. It was such a beautiful time of community that I never wanted to end! It was very important to spend this time soaking in the presence of God as He had much in store for the day ahead.

Even if you don’t believe in the spiritual world, in Jesus, or the Devil, what happened next is powerful and I’d love to share this video with you to convey the background story and atmosphere in which I was immersed. Witch Doctor Testimony

I met the witch doctor and his girlfriend– Their lives are so completely transformed I would never have guessed who they were if I had not held the woman’s hands that were eaten away from her previous leprosy. They were filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit and so pleased with their own transformation from their new life in Jesus!   ‘He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!’ – 2 Corinthians 5:15, 17 

I watched as they burned all of their witchcraft fetiches in a big pit as God had prompted them to clean out their home. This man was the witch doctor for all provinces in northern Mozambique. Burning these things in front of the village was a very significant sign to the people living there of a choice to leave darkness to live a life of light.    ‘God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all. So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are not practicing the truth. But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.’ – 1 John 1:5-7 

Following this we went out into the village in groups of four to talk and pray with people. I was with a group of three other girls from my school and one Mozambican Bible School Student who is learning to be a Pastor.

As we went out we walked past a few houses until a lady greeted us and invited us to talk with her. Selama! Mohavo? Kihavo?

While we spoke with her, another lady laid out on a daybed nearby raised her head from under a sweaty capalana.  

This woman was obviously ill and we asked if we could pray for her. We listened to her story as we prayed for Holy Spirit to come and bring healing. She began to feel somewhat better! She said she had tried to go to the hospital but there was no room. She had been sick and laying there on the daybed for two months! Unable to go to the church, she would pray for Jesus to help her and she cried as she realized he had answered her prayer by sending us. We prayed a second time and she sat upright completely healed, saying that she would like to try to eat some food! Praise Jesus! Next she asked if we would cast all the demons out of her house! We went inside and prayed. We explained to her that she had full authority in Jesus name to tell them to leave. As she prayed we could feel the spiritual atmosphere shift dramatically. I offered to anoint the doors and windows with oil but she didn’t have any oil. I used water from my water bottle instead, and the girl next to the door felt the water turn to oil! Can you imagine? I couldnt believe the heaviness of the presence of God there. He really is so tangible!

‘Let all who are helpless take heart. I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!’ – Psalm 34:1-2, 4-5, 8

We then walked out of the house, not quite sure what to do next. In that moment, the cutest little old lady teetered up to us and we saw that her eyes were clouded with cataracts that caused blindness. She asked us to pray for her, and as we did, nothing changed. We asked if she knew Jesus as her Savior, but she responded no. Suddenly, the woman who had just received healing ran forward. She began excitedly sharing her testimony of how she had received healing just minutes before. All of a sudden the old woman exclaimed, ‘I can see!! I can see!!’ She looked into my eyes with joy and the biggest toothless smile on her face. The cloudy cataracts had disappeared and her blue eyes were glistening!     She announced desperately, ‘I want this healing power you have so I can heal other people in my village!’ We explained to her this power comes from knowing the love God offers us all through believing in His Son Jesus.

“For God so greatly loved the world that He even gave up His only Son, so that whoever believes, trusts, clings to, and relies on Him shall not be lost but have eternal everlasting life.” – John 3:16

She responded excitedly, ‘Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!’

We spoke about the significance of her decision as she had previously been a Muslim. We explained that a water baptism would symbolize her new life with Jesus. She wanted this now, so I again used my water bottle, with water in my hands and baptized her in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

‘If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.’ – Romans 10:9-10

How amazing is His grace! How unfailing is His love!

What other King leaves his throne? What King leaves his glory to die?

That He would lay down his life, that I could be set free?

It is for freedom, that I have been set free.    ‘God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.’ 1 John 4:9-10